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Arab NATO, a plan doomed to failure

17 Jul 2022 - 14:08

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Daily View: The Arab NATO plan is not only limited to Iran; Rather, from Washington's point of view, it also targets Russia and China, and in this way, it will lead the Middle East to more instability; Because the strategic confrontation draws the great poles of world power to the Middle East and turns this region into the battlefield of the superpowers.

Joe Biden; The President of the United States said at the meeting of the leaders of the "Persian Gulf Cooperation Council plus three" that his country is still paying attention to the Middle East and will not allow "a void to be filled by China, Russia and Iran" in this region.
In this meeting, which will be held in Jeddah, the heads of the countries of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain are present along with the heads of the countries of Iraq, Jordan and Egypt.
"As the competition in the new world becomes more intense and the challenges we face become more complex, it becomes clearer to me how intertwined America's interests are with the success of the Middle East," Biden said at the gathering.
He also said that Washington will not allow any country to disrupt the freedom of maritime traffic in the Strait of Hormuz.
He said that Washington will continue its close cooperation with the countries present at the meeting "to deal with the threats that Iran is facing in the region".
However, in order to make the leaders of the leading Arab regimes obedient and disobedient to the orders of Washington and to make them serve the strengthening and development of the power of the Zionist regime, the President of the United States once again resorted to an old and ineffective tactic, and that is the exaggeration of "threats" from Iran for security and stability in the Middle East.
This is despite the fact that, contrary to Joe Biden's false claim, the interests of the Middle East have never been aligned with the interests of America and Israel; On the contrary, since America dominated the fate of Islamic and Arab countries and the malignant and bloody cancerous tumor in the name of Israel was imposed on the native inhabitants of this region as a result of British mischief and American support, the Middle East has never witnessed peace and stability.
Currently, America is considering to make Israel dominate the fate of the Arabs in the name of confronting Iran, and after signing the disgraceful treaty known as the Ibrahim Treaty, which was made between several Arab regimes and Israel in America during Trump's time, the plan to form the Arab NATO is on his hand; A plan in which Israel will lead a military coalition using Arab oil resources and foreign exchange reserves to strengthen itself and dominate the fate of the Arabs in the name of confronting the threat of Iran. If this action comes to fruition, it will lead to the comprehensive and permanent control of the Tel Aviv regime over the fate of the Arabs; Because America has repeatedly emphasized that it is committed to maintaining the qualitative superiority of Israel's military power in the region, and this means that no matter how much the Arabs buy weapons from America, they will never be able to buy the weapons that Israel has!
However, the enlargement of Iran's "threat" by the United States and Israel to the Arabs causes hundreds of billions of Arab petrodollars to be spent on the prosperity of American and European arms factories, without the slightest change in the military and strategic position of these countries.
On the other hand, the Arab NATO plan is not only limited to Iran; Rather, from Washington's point of view, it also targets Russia and China, and in this way, it will lead the Middle East to more instability; Because the strategic confrontation draws the great poles of world power to the Middle East and turns this region into the battlefield of the superpowers.
However, the Arab NATO is a failed plan that will not bring any consequences for the Arabs and the Islamic countries of the region except instability, destruction, domination by foreigners, poverty and misery, and war and violence.
Vladimir Putin's trip; The Russian President's visit to Tehran shortly after Biden's trip to the Middle East also shows that the powers that consider themselves the main target of the "Arab NATO" of America and Israel are not working hand in hand to neutralize and crush this colonial conspiracy. and by making strategic decisions, creating strategic alliances and presenting alternative plans, they make it neutral and ineffective, and just as Russia was able to reverse the anti-Russian sanctions of the West under the pretext of the Ukraine war, and its effects and consequences towards to guide the baseless, imported and dependent economy of western countries, Arab NATO will accelerate the end of American hegemony over the Middle East, which has started many years ago, from a military and strategic point of view, and the strategic equations of this sensitive and vital region will be in favor of The nations of the region and to the detriment of neo-colonialism, the fake regime of Israel and Washington's puppet mercenaries in the Arab countries.

Story Code: 255792

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