Publish dateThursday 2 February 2023 - 16:37
Story Code : 264838
Terrorism against Pakistan, Pakistan against Afghanistan
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: Instead of solving internal problems and reforming their own destabilizing regional policies, Pakistani leaders are looking for blame beyond their borders, and in the meantime, based on their long-standing hostile outlook, they are pointing the finger of blame towards Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Afghanistan has always been the biggest victim of terrorism; Terrorism that has always had the strong and direct support of Pakistan's security apparatus.
Following Pakistan's accusations against Afghanistan after the recent explosion in Peshawar, the Acting Foreign Minister said: "It should not throw its snow on other people's roofs."
Amir Khan Muttaqi said: Pakistan should fully investigate the recent explosion in Peshawar and not blame Afghanistan.
He said: "I request the honorable ministers of Pakistan not to throw snow on the roof of others." "See your problems at home."
Referring to the amount of destruction in the recent explosion in Peshawar, Muttaqi added: "It is not possible for a suicide bomber to destroy so much a vest or a small bomb; therefore, we have not seen this figure of a bomb in the last 20 years. We did not see a vehicle that destroyed the roof of the mosque, this should be carefully investigated and Afghanistan should not be blamed."
Addressing the Pakistani officials who consider Afghanistan to be the center of terrorists, he said: "If terrorism was in Afghanistan, it should have gone to China, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan... but today all these countries are safe and Afghanistan is also safe."
Pakistan's hostile accusations are raised against Afghanistan and the trend of several decades of insecurity has been reversed and contrary to Islamabad's long-standing policy, Afghanistan is now on the path of security and stability and Pakistan is becoming insecure.
But instead of solving internal problems and reforming their own destabilizing regional policies, Pakistani leaders are looking for blame beyond their borders, and in the meantime, based on their long-standing hostile outlook, they are pointing the finger of blame towards Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Afghanistan has always been the biggest victim of terrorism; Terrorism that has always had the strong and direct support of Pakistan's security apparatus.
Currently, the biggest security problem in Afghanistan is the terrorist groups supported by Pakistan, such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other movements that have had bases and safe havens in Pakistan for years, and from there, they are trying to create instability and crisis in Afghanistan.
Based on this, instead of solving the problem, the Pakistani authorities are trying to erase the face of the problem; Because this is a problem that directly originates from Pakistan's destabilizing security and foreign policy strategies, and the countries of the region have been victims of these crisis-causing and painful strategies.
On the other hand, security in Pakistan is the key to security and stability in Afghanistan and vice versa. As much as the insecurity and instability caused by terrorist activities in Afghanistan affect Pakistan, Afghanistan also suffers from instability in Pakistan. With this account, dealing with terrorism and other destabilizing factors and foci is in line with the macro and strategic interests and national security of both neighboring countries.
However, the current officials of the Pakistani government, despite the explicit acknowledgment of their ministers of defense and interior that they themselves created terrorism, do not want to accept the responsibility for the recent massacre in Peshawar as part of the consequences of their long-term security policies. For this reason, while terrorism has practically pointed its arrowhead against security and stability in the region, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the leaders of Islamabad, under the influence of their historical enmity, try to recognize Afghanistan as responsible and point the finger of blame towards their northern neighbor.
This approach, however, will never help in curbing terrorism and eliminating the nuclei of insecurity. The region needs the unity and solidarity of all countries and nations that are victims of terrorism.
Considering these facts, it is expected that Islamabad, following the deadly attack in Peshawar, which affected all the nations of the region, before any hostile comments that lead to the darkening of Islamabad's relations with its neighbors, will review their security strategies, identify and eliminate security gaps, and align with other nations and governments that are victims of terror to effectively face brutal and bloody terrorism. This is the only way left to overcome the deadly and bloody insecurity that has engulfed Pakistan after Afghanistan.
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