Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: As the anniversary of the Prophet's (PBUH) mission approaches, religious affairs experts in the "Constructive Dialogue, Examining Challenges and Providing Solutions" program, which is held by the Tabyan Center, stated in the second discussion of this week that Allah Almighty sent the Prophet of Islam and the Holy Quran to guide humanity. They emphasized that Muslims should ensure their happiness in this world and the hereafter by following the instructions of the divine book and the Prophet's commandments.
The Mission of the Prophet of Islam; Completion of Religion and Human Dignity
Ms. Ruqyah Hassani, an expert in religious affairs, pointed out that Allah Almighty completed religion for humans by sending the last Prophet of Islam, and said: "The religion of Islam, with the aim of educating and building humans based on justice, eliminated all discrimination and recognized the same inherent dignity for all humans."
She added: "Before the mission of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH), racial, tribal, linguistic, and even gender discrimination was widespread in human societies."
According to Hassani, "In history before the mission, girls and women had a lower status than men and were subjected to injustice in social structures. However, with the advent of the Prophet of Islam, all humans enjoyed equal dignity and status, according to the divine command."
He stated: “According to the verse of the Quran, the most honorable people in the sight of God Almighty are the most pious. This principle can be the basis for ending the pursuit of superiority in human society.”
Unity; the most important goal of the mission of the Prophet of Islam
Bano Hawa Hassani, another religious expert, emphasized the importance of unity in human society and said: “Any society that lacks unity and cohesion is doomed to failure.”
She added: “One of the main goals of the mission of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) was to create unity in human society. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was commissioned by God to promote unity in Islamic and human societies.”
Hassani emphasized: “Islamic societies must, by holding on to the divine rope and focusing on monotheism, prophethood, and other religious commonalities, replace hypocrisy and division with love and sincerity more than ever.”
Referring to the impact of unity on religious and national security, he added: “God has repeatedly warned in the Quran against division and has introduced hypocrisy as a basis for the domination of enemies over society.”
The state of unity of religions in Afghanistan
In this program, religious affairs experts stated that the unity of religions in Afghanistan has reached an ideal level and stated: “Shia is the brother and soul of Sunnis, and Sunnis are the brother and soul of Shiites.”
They added: “The spirit of unity and mutual acceptance between religions in Afghanistan has improved compared to the past.”
These experts called on Shiite and Sunni scholars to work harder than ever to strengthen empathy and unity.