Publish dateThursday 29 June 2023 - 09:24
Story Code : 272498
Reactions to the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden
Iran, Jordan, Turkey and Yemen condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden and called it a provocative and racist act.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) International Service: Foreign Ministry officials of Iran, Jordan, Turkey, and Yemen condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden and called it a provocative and racist act and emphasized that desecration of the Quran is a completely unacceptable crime and it is racially provocative, and the Swedish government is responsible for this crime, which has nothing to do with the freedom of opinion and expression that Western countries repeat.
Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, had previously condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran and spreading hatred against Islamic holy things in Sweden and wrote in a tweet: "It is not customary to hurt the feelings of the world's Muslims and Islamophobia under the pretext of supporting freedom of speech." In some European countries, he became a claimant of human rights.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan announced in a statement that burning the Holy Quran is a hateful act and a manifestation of Islamophobia, which incites violence and insults to religions, and it cannot be considered as freedom of speech in any way.
Jordan called for the cessation of such irresponsible behaviors and actions, the need to respect religious symbols, and the cessation of acts that fuel hatred and discrimination.
"Hakan Fidan" the Minister of Foreign Affairs and "Omer Celik" the spokesperson of Turkey's Justice and Development Party condemned this action of the Swedish government.
"Allowing these Islamophobic acts against Muslims under the pretext of freedom of speech is unacceptable," Fidan tweeted on Wednesday.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Salvation Government of Yemen condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden on Wednesday night and held the government of this country responsible for it.
The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yemen states: Desecration of the Quran is a completely unacceptable and racially provocative crime, and the government of Sweden is responsible for this crime, which has nothing to do with the freedom of opinion and expression that Western countries repeat.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yemen added: This irresponsible action is a provocative action against more than two billion Muslims in different continents of the world and is the result of the continuous expansion of populist discourse based on spreading hatred in Europe based on belief, race or religion.
Also, Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, called on Arab and Islamic countries to expel the ambassadors of Sweden in a tweet.
He wrote: This hostile act towards the Holy Quran is a clear provocation of Muslim feelings on the first day of Eid al-Adha.
Two weeks after Sweden's appeals court overturned a police ban on a demonstration organized to burn the Koran, the police issued a permit for a demonstration in which the organizers of the demonstration on Wednesday, which coincided with the Muslim Eid al-Adha, a copy of He burned the Quran.
In recent years, some European countries, especially Sweden, have been the scene of violations and desecration of Muslim sanctities. In the shadow of the support of the Swedish police, the extreme rightists set fire to the Holy Quran, and Muslim protests have also been suppressed.
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