Publish dateSunday 16 July 2023 - 08:52
Story Code : 273281
Solving challenges and creating opportunities for sustainable peace by the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan
Mary Jan Mohammadi / Peace is a dream that Afghan citizens have made many sacrifices to achieve for years, but they have not achieved it yet. Although with the beginning of the peace process in Afghanistan, many internal, regional and global talks and meetings were held regarding peace and stability in this country, but with the intervention of major powers, especially the Americans, in this process, not only these talks had no effect on the political situation, but multiplied the scope of its violence and crises. However, with the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, many hopes were formed among the people that this new government will provide peace and security and take serious and practical measures to end four decades of war and insecurity in the country.
However, in the current situation, what is clear from the realities of the society is that these expectations have been met to a large extent by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Even though this caretaker government in the first few months of its rule faced a lot of security challenges and threats that were mostly inherited from the previous government, but with the passage of time, it solved these security challenges and threats to a great extent and Afghanistan is better than ever before. This importance can provide many grounds for ending the war and consolidating peace and stability in this country.
Although after the Islamic Emirate came to power, some groups and military fronts rose up against this government and started many wars in the northern regions of the country, but with the serious reaction and suppression of the Islamic Emirate forces, their activities have been reduced and exposed to destruction. The formation of these anti-government military fronts in different regions of the country, known as the "Resistance Front" and "Freedom Front" on the one hand, and the expansion of the terror activities of the ISIS group on the other hand, were considered to be the most important security challenges and threats to the Islamic Emirate, but the Islamic Emirate has been able to eliminate these security challenges that cause the continuation of war and insecurity in the country and minimize their activities. Currently, there is no armed group in Afghanistan that can threaten the security of this country. This is said to be one of the great achievements of the Islamic Emirate regarding security and peace consolidation in the country.
Despite this, regional and global political consensus has been formed recently regarding the peace and stability of Afghanistan, which will help in ending the war and achieving lasting peace in Afghanistan. The countries of the region and the world have now come to believe that the problem of Afghanistan cannot be solved through war and violence. In view of this, Afghanistan has followed new paths to achieve sustainable stability compared to any other time, and with the comprehensive cooperation of various internal political groups and forces, the countries of the region and the world can achieve sustainable peace and stability.
Suppression of anti-government military fronts
After the failure of intra-Afghan peace talks and the coming to power of the Islamic Emirate in the country, other groups and political currents left Afghanistan and became refugees in the countries of the region and the world. However, some of them tried to share in the political power and regain their lost position in the society through negotiation and dialogue with the Islamic Emirate, but the lack of understanding and conflict of views between the parties, which in the historical memory They exist, it caused the beginning of some hostilities and dissatisfaction. Finally, some of these groups started forming military fronts known as "Resistance Front" and "Freedom Front" and have always tried to achieve their demands and goals in the country through military pressure. Although these military fronts are led and directed from outside the country, last year they were able to launch some attacks against the forces of the Islamic Emirate in parts of the north of the country, especially in the mountainous regions of Panjshir, Baghlan and Badakhshan province.
In fact, the suppression of any kind of activities of military fronts by the forces of the Islamic Emirate, which are considered to be a threat to the stability and security of the country, can play an essential role in the political situation, especially in reducing war and violence, and also in providing grounds for peace and stability. Repelling any attacks of these fronts and reducing their activities in the country has forced them to look for peaceful ways to achieve their goals and objectives. These military fronts, which had many battles with the forces of the Islamic Emirate last year and were considered a great threat to the peace and stability of Afghanistan, do not have activities that can cause the continuation of war and violence in the country in the current situation. These military fronts, which have been defeated and destroyed, have sought to solve the problem of Afghanistan through dialogue and negotiation with the Islamic Emirate. This issue takes Afghanistan out of the battlefield between warring groups and provides the grounds for forming a national discourse through which the war and conflict in the country can be ended. Therefore, the suppression of the anti-government military fronts that cause the continuation of the war in the country is a step that brings Afghanistan closer to achieving lasting peace and stability.
Reducing the activities of the ISIS group in the country
ISIS is one of the most serious and ruthless terrorist groups in the region, which has also carried out its terrorist activities in Afghanistan and the number of many citizens of this country have also been victims of its suicide attacks. With the establishment of the Islamic Emirate government in the country, ISIS resumed its terrorist activities and launched some suicide attacks in some big cities, including Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif, which killed or injured a large number of citizens, But these activities of theirs did not last long because recently the activities of ISIS have been faced with decisive attacks by the forces of the Islamic Emirate and some key people of this group have also been killed. Considering that the ISIS group is considered one of the main challenges to peace and stability in the country, the Islamic Emirate has always emphasized to overthrow this group in the country and to completely destroy it, it has carried out several large-scale operations in different regions of the country, which reduce It has brought its activities in the country.
Although the ISIS group has been supported and supported by some countries in the region and the world, and it mostly serves the intelligence interests of big powers, but according to the security priorities, including the provision of citizens' security at the country level by the Islamic Emirate, this group is Different regions of the country have been suppressed and even exposed to destruction. In the current situation, the abilities that the ISIS group could do against the security of Afghanistan in the past have decreased to the lowest level and it has lost the ability to fight against the forces of the Islamic Emirate. Now the suicide attacks of the Daesh group in the country are rare and this terrorist group cannot be considered as a big challenge to the peace and security of Afghanistan. Therefore, repelling suicide attacks and reducing the terrorist activities of the Daesh group in the country by the forces of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is considered one of the important achievements of this new government in terms of ensuring peace and stability, and Afghanistan has enjoyed relative security compared to any other time, which can be To provide grounds for sustainable peace and security in Afghanistan. According to this, the proxy wars that were launched by some countries and using terrorist groups, including ISIS, have now ended and Afghanistan is following new paths to consolidate peace and stability.
Regional convergence around ensuring peace in Afghanistan
Afghanistan has always been the center of unsolved crises in the region and the world. At different historical times, these crises were intensified by the intervention of the great powers of the world, and its consequences have spread to other regions around this country. During the last two decades and due to the military presence of America and its puppet government in Afghanistan, the countries of the region felt threatened by this country and followed a confrontational foreign policy towards it. However, with the fall of the previous government and the coming to power of the Islamic Emirate, the countries of the region, especially the neighbors of Afghanistan, changed their foreign policy towards Afghanistan and started friendly diplomacy based on interaction and cooperation towards each other and always to ensure lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan. have emphasized In fact, Afghanistan's neighboring countries are fed up with the continuation of war and instability in this country, and on this basis, they are trying to use the opportunities that have arisen to facilitate the end of the war and ensure permanent peace in this country.
On the other hand, in the current situation, none of Afghanistan's neighboring countries have followed hostile policies towards this country and from time to time they have tried to take new approaches for peace building in Afghanistan. One of the clear examples is the formation of regional convergence around peace and stability in Afghanistan, centered on the members of the "Shanghai" Collective Security Treaty. The senior members of this security organization, who are considered as Afghanistan's neighbors, have always wanted to ensure peace and stability in Afghanistan and have emphasized that they will do any necessary cooperation to make this work possible. Considering the severe economic crises that the people of Afghanistan are dealing with every day, these countries have announced many times to solve these problems through dialogue and interaction with the Islamic Emirate. Therefore, the formation of regional cooperation and convergence around the provision of peace and stability in Afghanistan can play an influential role in transforming the country's political-economic situation. All-round cooperation of the countries of the region regarding peace will end the war and provide lasting peace in the country. Therefore, Afghanistan has followed the paths of consolidation of peace and stability at various internal and regional levels, and to achieve it, it is necessary for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to hold a national dialogue among all internal political currents and forces. It will be favorable soon.
End of speech
After the withdrawal of America and the coming to power of the Islamic Emirate, Afghanistan has gained many opportunities to achieve lasting peace and stability. The end of America's military rule in this country is one of the exceptional opportunities that can be used to end the war and conflict in the country and make serious efforts to achieve peace and stability. Although in the first year of the rule of the Islamic Emirate, there were some challenges and security threats in Afghanistan that could cause the continuation of the war and the increase of violence in this country, but the government of the Islamic Emirate has solved all these challenges and provided relative security in the whole country. The suppression of some anti-government military fronts and the destruction of the terrorist activities of the ISIS group by the security forces of the Islamic Emirate are said to be their important achievements. In the current situation, military fronts and terrorist groups like ISIS have the ability to destabilize. This matter has brought a lot of optimism to the people of Afghanistan regarding the provision of peace and security in the country.
On the other hand, another important opportunity that will lead to the end of the war and peace is the regional cooperation and integration that has been formed between Afghanistan's neighboring countries. The countries of the region such as Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran are now gathered in a common axis and want to ensure permanent peace and stability in this country. These factors raised and considering the importance and role of other groups and political currents around peace and stability in Afghanistan, will cause the consolidation of sustainable peace. In fact, Afghanistan has abandoned the paths of war and violence more than ever before and has taken very important steps in the direction of providing the grounds for peace and stability. This issue will determine the political future of Afghanistan along with happiness and hope to provide the great aspirations of the country's citizens, which is to achieve peace.
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