Publish dateSaturday 5 August 2023 - 14:55
Story Code : 274295
The main nests of terrorists are outside the borders of Afghanistan
After the Pakistani authorities accused the Islamic Emirate of harboring terrorists in Afghanistan, military experts say that neighboring countries should not accuse the current government in Afghanistan of harboring terrorists. Because the main nests of terrorist groups are located outside the borders of Afghanistan. According to the statements of these military informants, some members of the ISIS group who were caught or killed by the forces of the Islamic Emirate were nationals of some countries in the region.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The Foreign Minister of Pakistan and a number of high-ranking officials of this country have accused the Islamic Emirate of harboring terrorists in Afghanistan and said that if the Islamic Emirate does not act to eliminate terrorist groups, Pakistan It will defend itself and carry out military operations to eliminate terrorists in Afghanistan.
But Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, said that such claims are not for the benefit of the citizens of the two countries, and Afghanistan's soil will not be a threat to any country, including Pakistan.
Mr. Mujahid wrote on his Twitter: "There are baseless accusations against Afghanistan by various Pakistani officials about the security situation of that country, which we reject. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan does not allow anyone to use Afghanistan's soil against any other country.
Noorullah Ibrahim Khel, an expert on military affairs, told AVA that the neighboring countries should not accuse the current government in Afghanistan of harboring terrorists, because the main nests of terrorist groups are located outside the borders of Afghanistan, and every station is a target for their suicide and explosive attacks. The countries of the region, especially Afghanistan.
According to this military expert, some of the members of the Daesh group who were caught or killed by the Islamic Emirate forces were nationals of some countries in the region. Therefore, it is necessary for the countries of the region to be aware of the terrorists in their own soil and take proper care of their borders.
He pointed out that for more than forty years, the government of Pakistan has been openly interfering in Afghanistan's internal affairs by using terrorist groups, but during this time, the Afghan government has only tried to improve trade relations.
Stating that the fight against terrorism requires global and regional cooperation, this military expert added: If the countries of the region want to prevent the expansion of the activities of terrorist groups, in the current situation, it is necessary for these countries to form a military and intelligence coordination unit to exchange information.
Two days ago, three terrorists carried out a deadly attack on the Jhope military base in Pakistan, which killed a number of its security forces. After that attack, Pakistan's foreign ministry claimed that Afghan citizens were involved in this deadly attack.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan said in a newsletter that these people were from Kandahar Province and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan has ordered the Afghan Embassy in Islamabad to hand over the bodies of the Afghan terrorists.
At the same time, Nemat Alokozay, a political expert, said in a conversation with AVA that the main cause of instability in Pakistan is the country's government and politicians, because the country's intelligence has been creating several terrorist groups for four decades to put pressure on its regional rivals.
He emphasized that these groups are now out of the control of Pakistan's intelligence and they want their share in the government and other government institutions, therefore, they launch suicide and explosive attacks at every station.
Alokozay added that another reason for instability in Pakistan is the economic and climatic problems, the politicians of this country have not been able to manage the bad economic situation of Pakistan due to widespread corruption in the government system.
It should be said that Pakistan is currently in a very worrying situation and there are no signs of fundamental changes in the country's economic outlook. It is not only the issue of foreign debts, but there is the issue of internal debt that has brought the country close to bankruptcy.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani authorities say that the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has safe places inside Afghanistan and are going to attack Pakistan from the other side of the border, but the Islamic Emirate denies this claim and the Pakistani Taliban have said that they coordinate their attacks from inside Pakistan.
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