Publish dateWednesday 18 January 2023 - 15:36
Story Code : 263990
Pakistan: We cooperate with Afghanistan in the fight against terrorism
Pakistan's Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari says that the country wants to cooperate with Afghanistan in the fight against terrorism in the region.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, on Tuesday (January 17), in an interview with Al Jazeera TV, said that terrorism has affected the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and they should be stopped in time.
On the other hand, Munir Akram, Pakistan's representative in the United Nations, in an interview with the American publication Newsweek, said that this country is extremely worried about the presence and activities of extremist militants on the border with Afghanistan, and according to him, they should convince the Islamic Emirate to Fight against all terrorist groups, including ISIS.
But according to Mr. Akram, as long as the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan faces financial problems, it will be difficult for them to fight terrorism.
He also claimed that the Khorasan branch of ISIS is getting stronger and if the Islamic Emirate faces financial problems, some of their militants will join ISIS and other terrorist groups.
Pakistan has repeatedly expressed its concern about the activities of ISIS, Pakistani Taliban and other terrorist groups in Afghanistan and on the border with this country.
Meanwhile, Sohail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, told the media that poverty and unemployment in Afghanistan are a challenge, but according to him, the Islamic Emirate is committed to fighting terrorism in Afghanistan.
Mr. Shaheen claims that some intelligence circles under the name of ISIS are creating problems for the existing system against the people of Afghanistan. But he did not name these intelligence circles.
At the same time, with the increase in the deadly attacks of ISIS Khorasan in Afghanistan, concerns have increased about the flow of fighters of this group to Afghanistan, who receive military training in the shelters of this group in parts of Pakistan.
In a letter that Mawlavi Muhammad Asif Zakir, the commander of the Islamic Emirate's border patrol in Paktia province, sent to the military units of this group, he warned about the possibility of 7,000 ISIS fighters entering Afghanistan from Pakistan.
This letter, which was written and sent on January 6 and published in cyberspace, tells about the danger of the war between ISIS Khorasan and the Taliban in the coming months, especially with the end of winter.
The letter states: "On the other side of the imaginary line in the territory of Pakistan, in the villages of Kokokhil, Gandeh Ghari, Bejar and Mirshalo Valley, which are covered with forests, three groups, one of which is ISIS, have established educational centers under the command of Muslim Kotwal. "
In this letter, it is explained that two groups of these people have commando-style combat forces and their flags are black, and the third group only has a black flag. Mawlavi Zakir mentioned the number of forces of these three groups as seven thousand people.
The Islamic Emirate border patrol commander has ordered all commanders in the mentioned districts to carefully check the entry and exit of people along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, and to prevent terrorists from entering Afghanistan.
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