Publish dateThursday 21 March 2024 - 10:13
Story Code : 287670
Governor of Bamyan at the opening ceremony of the new academic year: Teachers should refrain from inciting religious and ethnic prejudices
Maulavi Abdullah Sarhadhi, the governor of Bamyan, at the ceremony of the beginning of the academic year 1403 and ringing the school bell, said that the teachers, while providing the students with the knowledge they need for the day, should familiarize them with the traditions, morals and thoughts of the great Prophet of Islam and his companions.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Bamyan: Simultaneously with the beginning of the new year, the school bell rang in Bamyan province in the presence of Maulvi Abdullah Sarhadhi, the governor of this province and a group of scholars and professors at Zakur High School in the center of Bamyan province.
The governor of Bamyan province said in this ceremony: Education plays a fundamental role in the development of a nation. Therefore, we are also trying to make our society grow and excel in terms of science and culture.
The governor of Bamyan called the role of scholars and nobles important in the direction of publishing and promoting Islamic knowledge and stated: Scholars have the duty to teach Islamic knowledge, Quranic rules and divine instructions to school students in the correct way and encourage them to learn Islamic knowledge.
Maulavi Sarhadhi added: The authorities and teachers should not make a difference between school and school and realize that they should not waste the students' time and use the moment to educate the students.
The governor of Bamyan further clarified that, while providing students with the necessary knowledge, teachers should familiarize them with the traditions, morals, and thoughts of the great Prophet of Islam and his companions, and refrain from inciting religious and ethnic prejudices. and their only goal is the growth of their students.
According to the page of the Governor of Bamyan, Hojjat-ul-Islam Seyed Nasrullah Vaezi, head of the Shia Ulema Council in Bamyan center and Maulavi Sharafuddin Saadat, head of the Sunni Ulema Council in Bamyan center and head of Khalfa Rashidin School, were among the other speakers of the event who talked about the importance and place of science. and knowledge from the point of view of the Quran and Prophetic hadiths in human societies and demanded more attention in teaching religious and Quranic subjects in schools.
It is said that in this ceremony, the beginning of school lessons was also performed by the students of the boys' school in Bamyan center.
It should be mentioned that according to the decision of the Ministry of Education, today the school bell rang in all provinces of the country and the new academic year officially started today.
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