Publish dateSaturday 10 September 2022 - 10:53
Story Code : 258381
The Tebyan Center follows up the problems of immigrants based on its duties / the need to quickly solve bank problems and enroll Afghan children in schools / immigrant elites should act coherently
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Hussaini Mazari, in a joint meeting to examine the problems of immigrants with the presence of a group of investors, businessmen, traders and Afghan migrant marketers in holy Mashhad, stating that the Tebyan Center follows up on the problems of immigrants based on its organizational duties, from the government of the Islamic Republic, especially the president He requested that arrangements be made as soon as possible so that the first priority is to solve various banking problems and, as a result, issues such as buying bread by cash and SIM cards, as well as the problem of registering students from immigrant families who have been recently censured.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Holy Mashhad: Hussaini Mazari, pointing out that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been accepting Afghan immigrants for more than 4 decades with an open mind, despite the problems such as back-breaking sanctions and imposed war and terrorist attacks, he said: In the discussion of comparing European countries and Iran, if some good points of Europe are raised, the problems of Europe should also be raised. The positive perception that our immigrants in Iran have of Europe, Australia and America is not the reality and they have their own problems.
He pointed out: A few years ago, about 100,000 immigrants from Afghanistan, Syria and other war-torn countries went to Europe. While the issue of the presence of immigrants in Iran is not about 100,000 people, it is not about a million people, more than 5 million immigrants live in Iran. However, at the level of macro politics, from the leader of the revolution to the government, they never raised sarcasm and sneer and such topics towards the immigrants.
The head of Tebyan Center further added: If we want to solve the problems of immigrants, we must consider two issues: First, seeing the characteristics and privileges and appreciation and thanks of the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and second, the virtues and positive points of this system.
Hussaini Mazari, emphasizing the need to avoid unnecessary slander about the situation of Afghan immigrants in Iran, said: the least positive thing that can be imagined for immigrants in Iran is an honorable life. Whether we have a degree or not, but for us who are Muslims, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the morally best platform in the whole world. As someone who wants our problems to be solved, we should also see the positive points of life in Iran and be grateful for these opportunities, both in public and private gatherings and at home. If we don't exist and complain all the time, we won't be able to solve the problems because our words will not be heard.
This political affairs expert noted: The Islamic Republic of Iran was with the Mujahideen and our people during the 14 years of Jihad. During the last 20 years, the Iranian people and system provided the most healthy and genuine help to our people. During two decades, Iran provided a lot of help to the people and even the government. - The government that was American and Iran naturally did not get along with the American government - However, the Islamic Republic of Iran also provided a lot of assistance to the government of Karzai and Ashraf Ghani.
Referring to the other aspects of the Islamic Republic of Iran's aid to Afghanistan and the fact that if Iran is not present in our country, the situation of the people will be much worse, the head of Tebyan Center said: The policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is that security should be provided in Afghanistan and There should be no war, neither in the name of resistance nor non-resistance. It is necessary to talk to the Islamic Emirate with diplomatic, cultural and social language so that it moves in the right direction, forms a broad-based government and accepts the rights of women and minorities.
Hussaini Mazari blamed the personalities who do not speak the truth about the Islamic Republic of Iran because of the fear of their position or the reaction of some ignorant people. If people are not aware, you should explain to them what the issue is, in that case they will definitely not oppose you, and if some people disagree biasedly, let them disagree. We are not supposed to abandon the path of Allah (SWT) and the path of the infallible imams (AS) because of what people say.
Emphasizing the need to support the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, he noted: We support this system, because it is a sacred system and has exceptional leadership. We see both the virtues and the problems of immigrants. We believe that protecting this system is not only recommended but also obligatory. If anyone speaks a small word in support of this system, he will be among the mujahideen in the cause of Allah, and if he is alive, he will receive a reward, and if he is killed, he will receive a martyr's reward.
However, "old and not updated laws, lack of law, managers not following the law, managers acting according to their taste, and managers misbehaving with the law" are among the things that Hussaini Mazari mentioned as mistakes that cause discomfort to different groups. Afghan immigrants in Iran.
He pointed out: Solving these problems is an easy task for the officials in the Islamic Republic, but it is a bottleneck for the migrants and has a very negative impact on their lives. Why has the Islamic Republic not been able to exploit the potential of immigrants in 40 years? Why These millions of immigrants who should be the intellectual soldiers of this system, are most of them against this system? The reason is the mistakes that have unfortunately been made at the management level of different governments of the Islamic Republic.
The head of the Tebyan center stated that the center follows up on the problems of immigrants based on its organizational duties, and requested the government of the Islamic Republic, especially the president, to take measures as soon as possible so that, as a first priority, various banking problems and related issues Because the purchase of bread by cash and Simcards and also the problem of registering students of immigrant families that have been recently censured will be solved.
In the end, this immigrant affairs expert noted: The immigrant elites should act coherently and be good messengers for the organs of the Islamic Republic, because if the problems of the immigrants are presented and analyzed accurately and fairly to the organs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they will definitely accept and solve this problem. Problems will accelerate.
Before the speech of Hojjatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Seyyed Isa Hussaini Mazari; Hashemi Rasti, head of Tebyan Center office in Mashhad, and Seyed Nasreddin Mohseni, one of the leading staff of Tebyan Center, as well as Haj Mehdi Habibi, head of the Union of Afghan Immigrants living in Mashhad, Mr. Tawakli, Mohammad Nasser Sarvari, Ali Reza Khavari and Haj Mr. Hussaini, on behalf of marketers, educators and scholars, raised the problems of immigrants.
At the end of this meeting, it was decided that all the problems of the immigrants will be written down and after speaking with the relevant authorities of the Islamic Republic, it will be presented to their offices.
It should be mentioned that this meeting was held on 11 August, 2022 in holy Mashhad and the summary news was reflected at the end of the day of the meeting and according to the content of the talks, Mr. Hussaini Mazari traveled to Tehran and had private meetings with the relevant authorities. especially the Office of the Leader of the Revolution and also public speeches, especially in the speech to the guests of the World Assembly of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic, hosted by Dr. Abdullahian, about all the problems of immigrants, especially the discussions of the registration of newly arrived students, as well as the facilitation of Iraqi visas for visiting compatriots inside Afghanistan, extensive and detailed talks were held and follow-ups are still ongoing.
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