Publish dateSaturday 25 June 2022 - 15:12
Story Code : 254774
Kazemi Qomi: The US presence in the region has resulted nothing but destruction
Emphasizing that the US presence and plans in the Middle East and South Asia have resulted nothing but destruction and displacement for the people of these regions, the Special Representative of the President of Iran for Afghanistan says that the region's problems can be solved without the US presence and terrorist tools.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), Hassan Kazemi Qomi; The Special Representative of the President of Iran for Afghanistan stressed that the problems of the region can be solved without the presence of the United States and terrorist tools.
"The US presence and plans in the Middle East and South Asia have resulted in nothing but destruction and displacement for the people of these areas," Kazemi Qomi tweeted Saturday (June 25). "The United States does not seem to be learning from Afghanistan."
He added that US promises to some countries in the region are aimed at facilitating a return to the region. Problems, crises and regional differences can be resolved through the benevolent and collective participation of regional actors without giving the United States and terrorist tools a chance.
It is worth mentioning that the Special Representative of Iran for the affairs of our country arrived in Tajikistan at the head of a delegation and met with Sirajuddin Mehraldin; The Foreign Minister met to discuss Afghanistan and regional security issues.
Kazemi and Mehraldin also discussed the fight against extremism and international terrorism, as well as other topics of interest.
Iran has always stated that the region's problems must be solved by its member states, and that foreign intervention only complicates matters.
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