Publish dateTuesday 7 February 2023 - 13:42
Story Code : 265077
The United Nations warned that the war in Ukraine would turn into a world war
Sayed Reza Mir Taher/UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has revealed his concern about the war in Ukraine. According to him, the war in Ukraine, with the intervention of the Westerners and the sending of heavy weapons to Kiev, risks turning into a world war.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Guterres expressed his concern about the continued escalation of the war in Ukraine and warned that this process could lead the rest of the world to a much wider global conflict.
The UN Secretary-General, who was speaking on the topic of the state of the world in 2023, referred to the symbolic clock known as the "Doomsday Clock", which has been set since 1947 to show how close humanity is to a global catastrophe by displaying the amount of time left until midnight.
According to Guterres, this year the clock has been set at 90 seconds to midnight due to reasons including the war in Ukraine, worsening climate change, and ongoing nuclear threats, which is the shortest time the clock has ever displayed until midnight, and compared to Last year it is also 10 seconds closer.
The warning of the Secretary General of the United Nations about the expansion of the war in Ukraine into an all-encompassing world war, considering the trend of this conflict, which is now approaching its one-year anniversary, and the destructive approach of the West to America's leadership in this field, which is based on expanding the scope of this war as much as possible. It has been deepened.
It seems that the fire of this destructive war will become more flaming and cover more areas due to the destructive policies of the West, which has sent the largest and most unprecedented military aid and weapons to Ukraine.
Despite its slogans about the need to end the war in Ukraine, America is actually seeking to expand this war with the aim of weakening and involving Russia as much as possible, and in this way, the policy of encouraging and pressuring Western allies, especially European ones, to increase as much as possible. Most of the military aid and weapons have been sent to Ukraine.
America and its allies have not only not reduced military aid and weapons to Kiev, but now weapons such as heavy tanks and ground-launched bombs with a range of 150 km have been provided to Ukraine by America and its western partners.
Dmitry Medvedev, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, warned in late January 2023 that "the world is approaching the danger of World War III due to hostilities against the Russian Federation". The Third World will do anything, he added: "If we don't get the maximum security guarantees that Russia wants, the tension will continue indefinitely."
The world will move towards a third world war and a nuclear catastrophe.
Despite these warnings, the Western bloc does not pay any attention to them. From the point of view of Western leaders, Russia's victory in the Ukraine war, even in the vicinity of NATO, will mean the discredit of this military organization and the further expansion of Russia's regional and international influence and power, and will change the security, military and political equations in Europe to the detriment of the West.
Also, from the point of view of US President Joe Biden and the senior military and security officials of his government, the Ukraine war is a unique and unrepeatable opportunity to oppose Russia as much as possible and weaken it and ultimately prevent the full formation of a multipolar system.
On the other hand, from Moscow's point of view, the West's goal in continuing this war is to weaken Russia as much as possible with the ultimate goal of its disintegration.
In this way, it is expected that the war in Ukraine will not only not end, but due to the continuation and expansion of the unprecedented military and weapons aid of the West to Kyiv, its scope will expand. Of course, such a scenario greatly increases the possibility of Russia's nuclear reaction and the occurrence of World War III. In this case, the world will be on the verge of complete destruction.
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