Publish dateSunday 20 August 2023 - 11:22
Story Code : 275166
The national uprising of the Afghans and the xenophobic policy of Amanullah Khan led to the independence of the country
At the same time as the 104th anniversary of the return of the country's independence, experts believe that the national uprising of the Afghan people and the political and military activities of Amanullah Khan led to the return of the country's independence.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) Kabul: Military experts say that Afghans have defeated the three superpowers in the military aspect, but the political excesses after that have caused no stable system to be established in Afghanistan throughout history.
  Abdul Jamil Shirani, an expert on political issues, said in an interview with AVA reporter that the unity, resistance, coincidence and holy jihad of the Afghan people led to their victory against England and the formalization of the country's independence.
Mr. Shirani compared the defeat of England and America in Afghanistan and added: England attacked Afghanistan with relatively few resources; But America entered the country with NATO and advanced equipment, but with that, the people of Afghanistan won.
He believes that the people of Afghanistan thought that the victory against America and its allies was unimaginable, but still, according to him, it was this jihad, resistance and the help of God Almighty that led to the victory of the people of the country.
Shirani stated that the US government fled Afghanistan after realizing the military defeat in Afghanistan and finally left Afghanistan by signing the Doha Agreement.
Shirani said that the people of Afghanistan have always been victorious in war, but internal conflicts have made it impossible to establish a lasting government in Afghanistan.
  He stated that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was able to keep its government and power stable by realizing this issue.
Meanwhile, Amanullah Ehsaas, an expert on political issues, said in an interview with AVA reporter that the military and political activities of Amanullah Khan, along with the people of Afghanistan, made the country's independence official.
He added that after the defeat of American forces and NATO members in Afghanistan, their puppet government also fell apart due to their defeat.
He stated that after the defeat of any country, Afghans have gone to extremes in the process of creating a political system, and this issue has caused the failure to establish a stable system in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate yesterday, Saturday, August 19, published a newsletter on the occasion of the 104th anniversary of the return of the country's independence from British colonialism, and said that the defeat of British colonialism, the Red Army, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the defeat of American and NATO forces He said that Afghanistan is an unconquerable country.
It was stated in the newsletter that the Islamic Emirate as an "independent and legitimate system" believes in healthy relations with the countries of the region and the world based on "Islamic Sharia" and wants other countries to adopt such a policy.
It was added in the newsletter that the Mujahedeen and zealous people of Afghanistan expelled the occupying forces of the 19th century superpower with the help of Allah Almighty and the blessing of unprecedented financial and life sacrifices from their pure land and gained their independence.
It should be noted that the 104th anniversary of the return of the country's independence from England was celebrated throughout Afghanistan.
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