Publish dateWednesday 14 February 2024 - 16:26
Story Code : 285877
Tebyan Center's message on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of defeat of Soviet Red Army;

The spell of international communism was broken as a result of the relentless struggle of the Afghans

The spell of international communism was broken as a result of the relentless struggle of the Afghans
In a message on the occasion of the anniversary of the complete withdrawal of the Soviet Red Army from Afghanistan and the defeat of this Eastern superpower in the battle against the Mujahideen, emphasized: History is a great testimony to the fact that in 1358, the troops of the Red Army of the former Soviet Union entered Afghanistan with the most advanced military equipment and war tools, with arrogance and domineering arrogance, and tried to continue their occupation, but after the passage of about ten years of aggression and fierce wars, After enduring heavy losses and countless casualties of his soldiers, they fled from Afghanistan by accepting defeat in 1367. According to this center, in fact, the spell of international communism was broken as a result of the relentless struggle of the Afghans, and the criminal aggressors inevitably gave up their sinister goals.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The full text of this message from the Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities on the occasion of the anniversary of the withdrawal of the Soviet Red Army from Afghanistan is as follows:
In the name of Allah
History is a great testimony to the fact that in 1358 AH, the troops of the Red Army of the former Soviet Union, with the most advanced military equipment and war tools, with arrogant arrogance and domination-seeking pride, under the leadership of the Communist Party of that time, entered Afghanistan through the border crossing of Hairatan and tried to continue their occupying presence, But after about ten years of aggression and wars, in 1367 AH, after suffering heavy losses and countless casualties of his soldiers, they fled from Afghanistan by accepting defeat in front of the oppressed but believing and mujahid nation. In fact, as a result of the relentless struggle of the Afghans, the spell of international communism was broken on the high and proud peaks of the Baba and Hindu Kush mountains, and the criminal aggressors left the Afghan soil with shame and inevitably gave up their evil goals.
Although as a result of brutal bombings and imposed wars, millions of our defenseless compatriots were martyred and injured, and millions of people were displaced to other countries. But it should be noted; The nation of Afghanistan paid the price of this great victory with all-round financial and life sacrifices and stood tall and proud in front of the Lord of the world and mother of the country.
Therefore, 26 Aquarius coincides with the anniversary of the disgraceful withdrawal and shameful defeat of the Red Army of the former Soviet Union from Afghanistan, and without a doubt, this day is considered another golden leaf in the history of the independence and freedom-loving struggles of the Afghan nation.
The arrival of the biggest national celebration and honoring the tireless and heroic efforts and struggles of all the zealous men and free women of Afghanistan against the aggressors and occupiers.
Certainly, the valuable Islamic and national identity of any nation depends on their awakening, vigilance, and their conscious and history-making actions in the most important and fateful periods of history, and the nation of Afghanistan has faced the world's biggest evil and aggressive powers three times in the last century, with They have defended the dignity, honor and honor of the nation with a high head, and as a result of persistent covenants and tireless struggles, and following the commands and instructions of the verses of revelation, they have cleansed the homeland from the presence of the strongest aggressor countries and occupying forces, and every They have bravely protected the independence and freedom of the country.
It is not hidden from the awake and aware consciences of the world that the people of Afghanistan, for the third time, have rubbed the noses of the American aggressors and their allies in the soil of humiliation and humiliated them from the pure and holy land of Afghanistan, which has been shrouded many times with the pure and pure blood of the rosy martyrs. The heroic region has been irrigated, driven out and taught a lesson to all the evil powers of the world who intend to invade or have any evil intentions and proved that in the life and culture of the Afghan people, creed and jihad with valuable national feelings and independence It is intertwined and has become a strong and impenetrable fortress against all threats.
Let the world know that freedom-seeking in Afghanistan always exists and the Afghans are always committed and ready to defend their religion and country, and now that with the divine power and the efforts of the mujahideen of the hot, hard, soft, and cold fronts, the country has The existence of the West at the head of America and its agents and tyrants has been freed, it has a strong and reliable structure and is going to reach the lofty peak of growth and progress, more than ever the hope and passion of a life full of freshness and vitality and enthusiasm for prosperity and construction. created, committed the people of the country to defend their existence and make Afghanistan more than before and will make sacrifices for its internal, regional and international authority.
Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center
February 14, 2024
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