Publish dateSunday 18 February 2024 - 15:55
Story Code : 286051
Opinions of a number of experts regarding the holding of the Doha meeting
A number of political experts regarding the holding of the Doha meeting and the non-participation of the Islamic Emirate in this meeting say that the strong and independent position of the Islamic Emirate regarding the Doha meeting in such a sensitive situation shows that Afghanistan has left the bondage of colonialism and exploitation.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Haji Zahir Qadir, a former member of the House of Representatives, wrote on X social network; "For nearly 20 years, I served the people of Afghanistan in various posts of the republic, I fought to protect the national interests in the house of the nation. At this time, although Karzai turned against America in the end, Ghani played under their direct power from the beginning until the moment of his fall. But the strong and independent position of the Taliban in such a sensitive situation shows Afghanistan's release from the yoke of colonialism and exploitation."
Khalid Samir, a journalist and author of Nir, has said in response to the Doha meeting that Afghanistan's non-participation in the Doha meeting is the best and highest decision by the leaders of the Islamic Emirate.
He added that Afghanistan is an independent country, it should play a role in the meetings and represent itself. But it doesn't happen that everything goes according to other people's orders.
According to him, Afghanistan is independent, has a specific government, has developed good relations with its neighbors, and the United Nations should accept their proposals.
Alhaj Hamidullah Hotak, an analyst of political issues, also said about the Doha meeting that "Before, the US made every small and big decision in Afghanistan and the war strategy was announced by the US, but now the decisions and interests of Afghanistan are judged by the Afghans." Afghans also decide. This freedom is the greatest blessing."
Amanullah Hotaki, another analyst of political issues, also said that "the world and the region, especially the United States of America, which has played a major role in the 40-year tragedy of Afghanistan, is now ready to support any rebel against the Islamic Emirate, after The government of the Islamic Emirate of the opposition has only succeeded in holding virtual meetings and Twitter campaigns.
He added that their physical presence and armed struggle has not been clear so far, which means a good interaction with the emirate in the region and the world and not supporting the opposition. Afghanistan will never be a battlefield again.
Meanwhile, the two-day meeting of the United Nations on Afghanistan, hosted by Antonio Guterres and with the presence of special representatives of the countries and without the presence of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate, has started today (Sunday, February 18) in Doha, the capital of Qatar.
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