Publish dateMonday 26 February 2024 - 13:54
Story Code : 286500
Zionist regime
The air strikes of the Zionist regime on Rafah, the sounding of the alarm in the occupied Palestine and the Golan, and the artillery attacks of the Zionists in the south of Lebanon are among the most important developments of the 143rd day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The media of the Zionist regime reported this Monday morning that the regime's delegation will consult with mediators in Doha, Qatar today about the terms of Hamas and there is a possibility of a 6-month pause in the war against Gaza.

Follow the most important developments of the one hundred and forty-third day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation below:

Sounding the alarm in occupied Palestine and occupied Golan
Hebrew sources reported the sounding of the alarm in the occupied area of al-Afula and Marj Ibn Amer in the north of occupied Palestine.

These sources also announced that the alarm was sounded in the industrial zone in the occupied Syrian Golan.

Martyrdom of two Palestinian fishermen in the attack of the Israeli navy in Khan Yunis beach
News sources reported the martyrdom of two Palestinian fishermen in an attack by a unit of the Israeli navy in front of the Khan Yunis beach in the south of the Gaza Strip.

Artillery attacks of the Zionist regime on southern Gaza
The occupying army of the Zionist regime targeted the east of Khan Yunis, located in the south of Gaza, with artillery.

Disclosure of the meeting of a Saudi minister with a Zionist official in Abu Dhabi
News sources revealed that the Minister of Industries of the Zionist regime met with his Saudi counterpart on the sidelines of a conference hosted by Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE.

The Zionist air attack on an area in Khan Yunis and the bombing of a house in Rafah
Al Jazeera news channel announced the Israeli air attack on al-Fakhari area in the east of Khan Yunis, located in the south of the Gaza Strip.

Also, three people were martyred in the Israeli bombardment of a house in the north of Rafah city, located in the south of the Gaza Strip.

Bombing people's homes in the northern and southern areas of the Gaza Strip
The Zionist regime's fighters today bombed people's houses in the city of Khan Yunis in the south of the Gaza Strip and the neighborhood of Al-Zaytoun in the east of Gaza, located in the north of this area.

Arrest of three children in the West Bank
The Zionist army raided Deiramar village in the west of Ramallah and arrested three children.

Admitting that 5 Zionist officers and soldiers were wounded in the Gaza Strip
Despite continuing its policy of severe censorship of military casualties, the Israeli army admitted to the wounding of 5 soldiers, including an officer, in the Gaza Strip.

Zionist artillery attacks on southern Lebanon
The Lebanese media reported this Monday morning that the Israeli regime army has targeted the area around Houla town located in the south of Lebanon with its artillery attacks.

The Israeli delegation is leaving for Qatar today
Yedioth Aharonot newspaper wrote that the Israeli regime delegation will arrive in Qatar today Monday to discuss with mediators the details of the prisoner exchange agreement with Hamas in exchange for a temporary cessation of the war in Gaza.

In Doha, this delegation will examine the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza, the ceasefire and the limited return of Palestinians from the south to the north of the Gaza Strip.

The plan of the ceasefire agreement in the war includes a temporary pause of six months, during which 30 Zionist prisoners will be released against 300 Palestinians.

Islamic Jihad: Washington is responsible for the continuation of tensions and conflicts in the region
The spokesman of the Islamic Jihad movement emphasized that Netanyahu wants to convince the Zionist community that it is the resistance that is preventing the progress of the negotiations.

Mohammad Haj Musa said in a conversation with Palestine Al-Youm: What Netanyahu was unable to achieve in the north and center of the Gaza Strip, he will not be able to achieve in the city of Rafah.

Haj Musa stated that we are warning against killing and horrible crimes against Palestinians in Rafah in case of a ground attack by the Zionist army on this city.

Stating that the documented achievements of the resistance to the Zionist society prove that Netanyahu is lying, he stated that he should not follow the American narrative about the governance of Gaza after the war.

Muhammad al-Haj Musa stated that the Zionist enemy intends to use the events of October 7th to destroy the Palestinian issue. He considered Washington responsible for the continuation of tensions and conflicts in the region.

Martyrdom of 4 Palestinians in southern Gaza
Al Jazeera reported that four people, including a woman and a child, were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a house in Rafah city, and several others were injured.
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