Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Herat: Nisar Ahmad Taraki, the head of the National Shafa serum production factory, which recently and for the first time exported the company's serum products to Iraq, met and talked with the governor of Herat.
The official of this serum production factory has announced the increase in the production capacity of this company inside the country and says that foreign countries, including Iraq, Yemen and Syria, are interested in using the serum produced in Afghanistan.
Mr. Taraki has also announced the export of the first shipment (15 containers) of serum to Iraq.
On the other hand, Sheikh Noor Ahmed Islamjar, the governor of Herat, called the start of exporting serum to foreign countries an important step in the development of domestic production, especially Herat's industrial city.
He also assured the all-round cooperation of the provincial authority in order to provide more facilities with this company.
It should be mentioned that after Kabul, Herat has the largest industrial city in the country, where various types of goods and quality goods are produced and exported to other provinces of the country as well.
Pomegranate juice drink is one of the products of this industrial town, which is also exported to America.