Publish dateWednesday 15 May 2024 - 12:32
Story Code : 290424
The beginning of a new chapter of Iran-India relations in Chabahar port
After the signing of the contract for the equipping and development of Chabahar port, which was done yesterday between the Islamic Republic of Iran and India; While emphasizing the beginning of a new chapter in Iran-India relations in Chabahar, Iranian officials say that with India's investment of 370 million dollars in this port, Chabahar will play a strategic role in the eastern branch of the North-South corridor.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: yesterday (Monday) in a ceremony attended by "Mehrdad Bazarpash", Minister of Roads and Urban Development of Iran and "Sarbananda Sonwal", Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways of the Republic of India, the contract for equipping and operating container terminals and The general goods of Shahid Beheshti Chabahar port were signed by IPGL India.

According to IRNA, "Ali Akbar Safaei", the CEO of the Iran Ports and Maritime Organization, considered the contract to equip and operate the container terminals and general goods of Shahid Beheshti Port as a result of the will of the Minister of Roads and Urban Development of this country and his Indian counterpart and the beginning of a season of very valuable cooperation between the two countries. 

Safaei stated: The will of the senior officials of the two countries was to see one of the most important sea and port projects come to fruition.

He added: This will, with the orders and support of both ministers and the round-the-clock work of the delegation with the two ministers, led to the equipping and operation of the container terminals and general goods of Shahid Beheshti Chabahar port with the Republic of India.

Safaei reminded: This investment agreement will be the beginning of a very valuable cooperation season in order to finance the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development of the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of the Indian government.

CEO of Iran Ports and Maritime Organization said: This is a very important example for doing real executive work with neighboring countries, especially India.

On the other hand, "Mehrdad Bazarpash", the Minister of Roads and Urban Development of Iran, on the sidelines of the signing ceremony of this contract, announced the proposal to the Indian authorities to launch a joint shipping company of Iranian and Indian companies in order to develop transit in the region and said: This proposal will soon be officially presented.

He added: In addition to the development of the infrastructure of the bad corridor, a port road, we are pursuing the development of the fleet in order to carry more goods, as well as the development of software to facilitate the movement of goods.

The Minister of Roads of Iran reminded: The transit container line between Iran, China and India is regularly running, and in 1402, the transit amount of this line has grown by more than 154%. This growth continues in 1403 and with the development of Chabahar port, we hope to see an increase in the amount of transit.

He pointed out: Chabahar has a strategic role in the eastern branch of the North-South Corridor. This corridor starts from Chabahar and reaches Zahedan and then Sarkhs by rail and enters Turkmenistan.

This official of the Islamic Republic of Iran continued: All our efforts are to complete the Chabahar-Zahedan railway section by the end of the year and put it at the service of the country's transit development.

Referring to the conclusion of the 80 million dollar contract with India in the past, he said: This contract increased to 120 million dollars and with the provision of another 250 million dollars in financing, it reached a total of 370 million dollars.

Iran's Minister of Roads stated: Although the bulk of transit is currently carried out through Bandar Abbas Shahid Rajaee port, with the development of rail and road, we will see the growth of transit in Chabahar as well.

He also stated that turning Iran into a tourism hub is one of the other goals of the government, and by defining numerous coastal cities, seven of which have been prioritized and the implementation of three cities has also been started, it indicates the same issue.

It should be mentioned that it was done based on the contract and one of the major goals of concluding this contract, which was achieved as a result of the expert and specialized negotiations of the joint working group of Iran and India, is the joint efforts of the parties in operationalizing the goals of the international agreement on transportation in the North-South Corridor. , the tripartite transit agreement between Iran, India and Afghanistan, focusing on Chabahar port and the development of transit cooperation and multimodal transportation between Iran and India in the Central Asia region, in the framework of the goals of strategic cooperation between India and Central Asia.

Based on the agreement signed between these two countries, India will provide financial credit of 120 million dollars for the provision of strategic port equipment and more than 250 million dollars for the transportation infrastructure of this section in order to equip and develop Shahid Beheshti port in Chabahar, Iran. .

According to experts, Iran's Chabahar Dam is a safe route for exporting and importing goods to Afghanistan. Because in recent years, the Pakistani government has used the port of Karachi many times as a lever of high pressure in Afghanistan.

Last year, around 3,000 containers belonging to Afghan merchants were seized in Karachi port for months without any particular reason.

This is despite the fact that during the recent visit of Mullah Baradar, the Economic Deputy Prime Minister to the Islamic Republic of Iran, understandings were reached between the two countries regarding Afghanistan's use of Chabahar Port.
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