Publish dateSunday 26 May 2024 - 13:44
Story Code : 290984
Former Prime Minister of Israel: Our children are being killed one after another in Gaza
Yair Lapid, the former prime minister of the Israeli regime, wrote on X social network: Our sons and daughters are being killed one after another in Gaza, and it is necessary not to miss the opportunity to bring them back again.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Yair Lapid, the former Prime Minister of the Israeli regime and the leader of Netanyahu's opposition, wrote on X social network: "The government should make only one specific decision, and that is to immediately close the case of the exchange of prisoners in Gaza."

At the same time as the Israeli prisoners' families and Netanyahu's opponents protested again in Tel Aviv, he wrote: "I was with the families of the hostages in the hostage square and the "Bigan" gate tonight. Our sons and daughters are being killed one after another in Gaza, and it is necessary to give them another chance to return. Let's not lose them."

In this regard, thousands of residents of the occupied territories demonstrated against Netanyahu yesterday evening (Saturday), as in previous weeks, in various cities of occupied Palestine. Demonstrators gathered in Tel Aviv in Kaplan and demanded the overthrow of Netanyahu's cabinet.

A similar demonstration was held in occupied Jerusalem and protesters chanted slogans against Netanyahu.

"Yediot Aharonot" newspaper also reported that thousands of people came to the streets in the city of Haifa and demanded that Netanyahu step down from power.

The families of Israeli prisoners are angry with Netanyahu for not reaching an agreement with Hamas, while Ezzeddin Qassam warned this morning by publishing a poster: "Time is running out."
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