Publish dateMonday 27 May 2024 - 12:22
Story Code : 291048
Protesters pressure Germany to stop arming Israel
Demonstrators angry at the German government's handling of Israel's war in the besieged Gaza Strip have disrupted a citizens' forum featuring Germany's foreign minister. 
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)-Monitoring: During a Democracy Festival in Berlin on Sunday, amidst a conversation with Foreign Minister Annalena Bareback, the crowd was pierced by the shouts of anti-government protesters.
The participants were visibly upset and put up banners to display their resistance. Some held banners reading “Stop the genocide”.
They accused the German government of corruption and favoring one side over the other in the Gaza War and urged Bareback to halt arms deliveries to Israel instantly.
Bareback grew frustrated as the tumult in the theater increased.
“There are no threats here!” she shouted at one participant.
One protester who identified herself as an “anti-Zionist Jew” said that, when it came to the war, freedom of expression was being restricted in Germany.
With Germany’s help, she said, Gaza was being reduced to “rubble and ashes”.
At least eight participants were forced out of the venue. In some cases, there were scuffles and physical altercations with security staff.
Global pressure grows on Germany and the United States to stop arms transfers to Israel as the regime’s genocidal war has been raging for more than seven months in the besieged Gaza Strip, with more than 36,000 Palestinians killed so far.
Berlin and Washington supply roughly 99 percent of all arms imported to Israel, according to an analysis published in March by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
Both President Joe Biden of the US and Chancellor Olaf Scholz expedited weapons shipments for Israel after the regime launched its bloody war in Gaza in October./Press tv
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