Publish dateWednesday 5 June 2024 - 15:01
Story Code : 291553
Hamas request to put Israel on the UN blacklist
Referring to the indescribable pain and suffering of Palestinian children under the brutal and continuous aggression of the occupying regime, the Hamas movement demanded that this regime be placed on the UN blacklist.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The Palestinian Hamas movement issued a statement on the occasion of the International Day of "Innocent Children Victims of Violence" and asked the United Nations to blacklist the Zionist occupation regime on the list of organizations that target children and kill them. 

The statement of Hamas has stated to this effect: This year, the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Violence has come while we are witnessing the continuation of Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the occupied Jerusalem. This fascist regime has committed the most heinous crimes and killings against the Palestinian people, especially innocent children, and children have been and are the direct targets of terrorism and crimes of the Nazi Zionist regime.

Hamas emphasized: According to international reports, a child is injured or dies in Gaza every 10 minutes. The number of Palestinian children who have been martyred during the occupation's brutal and continuous aggression against the Gaza Strip reaches more than 14,000 children. 

According to this statement, there are more than 200 Palestinian children in the prisons of the occupation regime, most of them are students, and the most terrible tortures are applied against them. 20 of these children belong to the Gaza Strip. Palestinian child prisoners in enemy prisons are exposed to various forms of beatings, horrific interrogations, horrific physical and mental torture, daily harassment, deliberate neglect of medical treatment, and denial of visits to families, health teams, and human rights organizations.

The Hamas movement emphasized: The commemoration of the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Violence every year by the United Nations and the international community reminds us once again of the suffering of Palestinian children inside our land as well as in the refugee camps and reminds the world of their legal, moral and human responsibility. He puts himself in order to stop the brutal crimes of the occupying regime against Palestinian children.

This movement further asked the United Nations to put the occupying regime on the black list of parties that target children, kill them, torture and displace them and prevent them from enjoying their most basic rights.

The Hamas movement also called on the international community and all relevant countries and institutions in the field of children's rights to assume their political and humanitarian responsibility towards Palestinian children, to release Palestinian child prisoners in the prisons of the occupation regime, and to protect Palestinian children from brutality. 

Hamas asked the international community to stop the occupation regime's barbaric crimes against the Palestinian people and children and take serious action to restore the legitimate rights of Palestinians to freedom and a dignified life.

In the statement of Hamas, it warned against the continued silence of inaction and the international inability to deal with the growing crimes of the occupiers against Palestinian children, and stated that the failure to take the necessary measures to prosecute and interrogate the perpetrators of these crimes and bring them to trial is a stain on the forehead of the international community. 

In the shadow of the continuation of the brutal aggression of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip and the disregard of this regime to all international requests to stop the war, as well as considering the actions of the International Court of Justice against Israel, the Hebrew media announced that Israel is worried about its name being placed on the United Nations blacklist. in the near future; Because the United Nations will soon publish a report on countries and organizations that harm children and violate their rights.

In this context, the Hebrew newspaper Yediot Aharonot reported that the repeated statements of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres about Israel's attacks in the Gaza Strip increase Israel's fear of being placed on the UN blacklist.
According to this report, the estimates of the Israelis indicate that the United Nations may put Israel's name on the black list along with the terrorist groups ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, etc.

According to the report of this Zionist media, the countries and parties and organizations that are on the UN blacklist do not face immediate sanctions, but Israel's main concern is that its placement on the blacklist will lead to other international measures against it, such as sanctions on commercial companies or become Israel's arms factory.

Of course, this is not the first time that the Zionist regime is in this situation; Because in the previous years, due to the continuous crimes committed by this regime against Palestinian children, it was in danger of being blacklisted by the United Nations, but the double standards governing the international community and the United Nations and America's control over this organization caused Israel every time.
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