Publish dateSunday 15 January 2023 - 09:43
Story Code : 263815
Who overthrew the republic: Ghani or America?
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: The foreign minister of the Trump administration has called Ashraf Ghani an obstacle to America's will to gather Afghans around a table. This is despite the fact that if America really had such a will, Ghani, as a mercenary and puppet, would not have the authority and power to stand alone against this plan and prevent its realization.
Mike Pompeo; the former US foreign minister says that Ashraf Ghani was against peace talks with the Taliban because he claimed to have won the elections. "While he stole the election, he was more adept at stealing votes than his rival Abdullah Abdullah."
Pompeo said he did not ask Ashraf Ghani to step down, although he thought so. "I was very tired of President Ghani", America wanted to gather Afghans around the same table since the Obama era; But Ashraf Ghani was "opposed".
The former US foreign minister said that unlike Zelensky, Mr. Ghani did not stay with his people, he went to a country where he would have a "peaceful" life. While the people of his country are suffering.
He said that America was ready for a long negotiation of five to 10 years with the Taliban and various groups of Afghans.
Ashraf Ghani was strongly critical of the exclusion of the Afghan government from the peace talks and repeatedly considered the decision of the US to be the reason for the weakening of his government.
After the fall of the republic and the regaining of power by the "Islamic Emirate", the fugitive government officials were overthrown, and the current and former diplomats of the American government have continuously tried to consider each other as the main cause of the fall of the republic, and in this way, the sufferings and To attribute the tragedies that were imposed on the people of Afghanistan to someone else.
In the latest effort in this field, Mike Pompeo; The Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Trump administration and the person who was at the center of the Doha negotiations, has pointed the finger of accusation at Ashraf Ghani and called him the first-line suspect of the downfall of the republican system. In a clear statement, Pompeo accused the US puppet president in Kabul of stealing votes and described him as an obstacle in the path of peace negotiations.
The question is that if America knew that Ghani had stolen the people's votes "more than his rival" Abdullah Abdullah and cheated in the elections, then why did it support him at that time and give legitimacy and credibility to his power? Why didn't he defend the reputation and future of his imported and imposed democracy and didn't question the integrity of the election and its results? Why did he send his political and military representatives to Ashraf Ghani's army on the day when two inauguration ceremonies were held in Kabul by the two self-proclaimed presidents and thus considered the power legitimate?
In the first term as well, when Ghani and Abdullah disagreed about the results of the presidential election, in the end it was America that gave the presidency to Ghani and by creating a government within the government, Abdullah was appointed to a position that was not at all in the constitution and the structure of the system. There was no political leader of the country, he appointed and in this way, he institutionalized division and division at the highest level of the country's administration.
The foreign minister of the Trump administration called Ashraf Ghani an obstacle to America's will to gather Afghans around a table. This is despite the fact that if America really had such a will, Ghani, as a mercenary and puppet, would not have the authority and power to stand alone against this plan and prevent its realization.
During the Doha negotiations, America itself was the biggest obstacle to the formation of an all-Afghan compromise with the effective participation of people's representatives and main actors. because from the very beginning he entered into negotiations with the Taliban alone and finally signed and implemented the Doha Agreement without the presence of representatives of the Kabul government and the people of Afghanistan; An agreement that the people of Afghanistan are still not fully aware of its provisions and it is not known what is in its hidden clauses.
The fact that Ashraf Ghani did not stay in the country unlike Zelensky and fled to another country for his own safety and comfort while his people were suffering was because Ghani was a mercenary of America and did not have the support of the Afghan people. America's will was for the republican system to fall and Ghani to loot the country's assets and run away from the country to help this important goal. As for Zelensky, America wants him to be in power and lead Ukraine to complete destruction in a crazy proxy war between NATO and Russia.
America's willingness to start five to 10-year talks between Afghans is also a big lie; Because the American representative in the Doha negotiations implemented all the conditions he wanted by the puppet American mercenaries in Kabul, so that the ground for the collapse of the republican system and the silent escape of the American soldiers from Afghanistan would be provided as soon as possible, and in the meantime, the people of Afghanistan, The biggest victims of this colonial conspiracy were those who are still suffering.
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