Publish dateWednesday 19 September 2018 - 23:07
Story Code : 171085
Taliban representatives ready for Moscow meeting on Afghanistan, says Russia
Russia's Foreign Ministry official has claimed that Taliban representatives are ready to participate in the Moscow format meeting on Afghanistan. Russian Foreign Ministry's Second Asian Department Director, Zamir Kabulov, told Russian Sputnik that discussions are underway regarding the details of the upcoming talks.
AVA- Kabulov denied that the Taliban representatives have changed their mind and refused to partake in the meeting. "No, they did not," Kabulov said.
The official noted that the Thursday talks with Kabul's delegation would address the details related to holding the Moscow format meeting on Afghanistan.
"Details related to holding the Moscow format meeting, postponed at the request of the Afghan side, will be discussed," Kabulov said.
The Afghan delegation, which will arrive in Moscow on Thursday, will comprise the head of the secretariat of the High Peace Council responsible for negotiations with the Taliban movement. "Mr. Mohammad Akram Khpolwak, the head of the High Peace Council's secretariat will arrive in Moscow as a member of the delegation," the Afghan Embassy's spokesperson said.
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