Publish dateThursday 29 December 2022 - 16:53
Story Code : 263110
Hussaini Mazari in the organizational meeting "Afghanistan and the issue of women; From Western-oriented Republic to Islamic Emirate" in Tehran (2);

The establishment of a one-sided Islamic narrative is one of the new opportunities/ The Islamic Emirate must pay attention to the issue of women in order to move powerfully

The establishment of a one-sided Islamic narrative is one of the new opportunities/ The Islamic Emirate must pay attention to the issue of women in order to move powerfully
In a meeting which was held by the center's representative office in Tehran, the head of the Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities stated that during the republic there was excess towards the issue of women and during the time of the Islamic Emirate it’s the same, he clearly stated that he does not like the view of the Islamic Emirate towards women and think it is a wrong view, and there are many reasons for rejecting this wrong view and opposing it, Including the explicit text of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the infallible imams, peace be upon them, who considered it obligatory for both men and women to study. Referring to the incitement of practically half of the society against the government, Hussaini Mazari suggested to the officials of the Islamic Emirate to correct their views on women and make the family of the Prophet (PBUH) their model.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Simultaneously with the arrival of the martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.); An organizational meeting held under the title of "Afghanistan and the issue of women; From the Western-oriented Republic to the Islamic Emirate" was held by the representative office of the Tebyan Center in Tehran, with the presence of the General Director of Tebyan Center for Social and Cultural Activities, Hojjat al-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, on Friday, December 16.
If the Islamic Emirate is interested in advancing with power in Afghanistan, it must pay serious attention to women
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, General Director of Tebyan Social Cultural and Activities Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) in the second part of the meeting "Afghanistan and the issue of women; From the western-oriented republic to the Islamic Emirate" which was a question and answer and presenting the opinions of the participants, in response to the question of Gul Mohammad Rahimi, the position of the Tebyan Center regarding the recent action of the Islamic Emirate, which closed the doors of universities to girls, was stated: Tebyan is against closing schools and universities to girls and has officially announced this position. Tebyan Center's proposal to the Islamic Emirate is that if they are interested in moving forward with power in Afghanistan, they must pay serious attention to women, and if this situation continues, they will definitely face very serious and troublesome problems and dilemmas.
He emphasized: The survival of the Islamic Emirate was impossible without the presence of women and it is not possible at all.
Opportunities in Afghanistan
At the same time, the General Director of Tebyan Center, in response to the question of Sayed Amin Hussaini, who asked what are the opportunities in Afghanistan and how we can use these opportunities, said: "In relation to the opportunities that have arisen in Afghanistan and the characteristics Dear Islamic Emirate, we have published an article in seven parts through the website of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), and those who are interested can read it in full, but I will briefly recount some of it here.
He called the dominance of the one-handed Islamic narrative in Afghanistan as one of the first opportunities and stated: Currently, one Islamic one-handed narrative is ruling in Afghanistan, and every person, when he enters the country, feels that he is entering an Islamic country. It has entered, while it was not like this during the republic and when we entered Afghanistan, all the manifestations of debauchery, disbelief and hypocrisy and every immoral and un-Islamic phenomenon were present and seen in Afghanistan.
Stating that the fight against any kind of corruption is one of the other opportunities in Afghanistan, this prominent religious scholar said: Now there is a very serious fight against any kind of corruption. For example, administrative corruption to the extent that it was during the republic and made it difficult for people to breathe, does not exist at the moment.
He called bribery and administrative corruption at the macro level of the government as the reason for this widespread corruption and added: During the republic, the president also became president by cheating. On the other hand, government positions were bought from ministries to the lowest position, and responsibilities were not entrusted based on merit and political, scientific and experimental understanding. In this sense, any legal work could not be done without paying money, and any illegal work was easily possible by giving money, which currently does not exist.
According to Hussaini Mazari: There is no economic corruption now, but in the past economic corruption reached its peak. Regardless of how much a minister or a person in a sensitive position felt sorry for, even party and government leaders, instead of appointing someone to a post, charged him a huge amount of money every month. The root of administrative and economic corruption started here.
This is where Hussaini Mazari reminded: Moral corruption and prostitution were so pervasive and widespread that we did not see such corruption and prostitution in the West itself. For example, only in the west of Kabul, all the hookah houses, coffee shops and women's baths were turned into prostitution centers.
He mentioned the serious fight against kidnappers, Daesh, Wahhabism, Salafism and other extremist groups as another feature of the Islamic Emirate and noted: The Islamic Emirate is seriously fighting against any terrorist and extremist groups and does not respect anyone. It does not attack ISIS, Wahhabism, Salafism, or other extreme movements, and deals directly and openly.
A series of rumors does not match the conditions inside Afghanistan
On the other hand, the general director of the Tebyan Center, in connection with the words of Abdullah Hussaini, who felt dissatisfied with the situation and the performance of the Islamic Emirate, gave an explanation and said: Some people talk about the situation in Afghanistan do not correspond to the conditions inside and are not documented because we were inside and saw the conditions closely.
In response to those who spread propaganda against the people of Afghanistan from outside, he said: Today, those who were expelled from inside Afghanistan, and are involved in documenting and propaganda, should be asked that when they were the rulers of Afghanistan for 20 years and all the financial facilities and They had a military and dozens of countries supported them, why didn't they do anything to save the country and couldn't?
Our view on Afghanistan issues should be a big view
Hussaini Mazari addressed the cultural and social activists and said: As fighting people, we must look at the situation in Afghanistan very logically. Our view should be a macro view, not a very small and trivial view. We are in Afghanistan in the situation we are in, where we faced many challenges and problems, but we did not react, because our view is a big view and in relation to the entire people of Afghanistan, the present and the future of the country, and we have a plan; Therefore, the whole Shia community and the people of Afghanistan are important to us, not one or a few responsible people.
Two important priorities of Tebyan Center: cultural and economic work
Hussaini Mazari continued and said: the only solution to solve the problems and dilemmas of today's society is to inform the people, he noted: The center of cultural and social activities of Tebyan has two important priorities in the current situation, the first priority of which is cultural work. Is. Basically, Tebyan Center was created with the same purpose and motivation, because it believed that most of the weaknesses and problems of the society are due to the low culture and public and private awareness of the people of Afghanistan; Therefore, if we want to remove the challenges and dilemmas from our path, our people must work in all fields, especially in the cultural, political, social, and economic fields, which are the four dimensions or four pillars of national security.
He continued: That is, when a country has a strong politics, culture, society and economy, the national security framework of that country becomes strong and as a result a strong system is formed, and until these awareness’s are not created, we will definitely not We will not have a strong and powerful system.
According to this cultural and social activist: cultural and educational work is very important and effective, and the program of the Tebyan center is that all people must become literate, our children must study at school and then at the university until the doctorate level, so that the scientific foundations of the society are strong. we should use the mosques and hosseiniyehs, educational centers, universities and every platform we see to inform and inform the people so that our whole society is informed.
He further emphasized: Our second priority is economic, if our people grow and become strong in terms of economy and culture, then our society and people will become strong and no one can weaken them. Of course, in the matter of economy, unfortunately, in the past, neither the political currents nor the government did anything at the level of the national economy, while at least the existential philosophy of the parties is to work for the people, which unfortunately the parties did not even build a clinic, university, hospital and road. They practically did not serve the people.
Our educated people stayed away from spiritual growth and excellence
The head of the Afghan Voice news agency (Ava) completed the words of Ms. Kazemi, who said that in the past twenty years, the doors of all universities were open and a large number of women became literate and their academic level also increased, but unfortunately, culturally, Social interaction, beliefs, morals and health, etc. were zero and no progress was made in this field. and culture did nothing essential for the society. Of course, I don't reject it absolutely, but the majority has been like this, especially in the last twenty years, the plan was that our youth, when they study, do not follow the path of spiritual growth and excellence. Therefore, today we all have a duty to work in all fields and lead the society towards awareness and progress.
Serious attention to women's sports
Sayed Mehdi Hussain zada, the head of Karate freestyle organization in Iran and the head of the sports department of Tebyan Center, also raised his concern about women's sports in Afghanistan and requested the attention of the officials of the Islamic Emirate in this regard.
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