Publish dateThursday 26 October 2023 - 23:51
Story Code : 279265
Muttaqi to Afghans in Moscow: Inclusive Gov Means all ethnic groups included in IEA cabinet
Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi asked political figures and citizens of Afghanistan who are living outside of the country to return home.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, In a meeting with Afghans living in Moscow, Muttaqi said an independent and inclusive government is now ruling the country. He added that since the IEA’s takeover, Daesh has been suppressed, the borders are safeguarded and no neighboring country will be threatened from Afghanistan’s soil.
“If inclusiveness means that there should be Pashtuns, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Balochs, Nuristanis in it, then our cabinet has everyone,” said Muttaqi.
“If inclusiveness means that one minister represents France, one minister represents America, one represents another country, then what did we fight for?” he asked.
He stated currently the embassies of some countries are open and the relations with the countries are secured and stressed that the problems in the field of education in the country will be solved soon.
“Today, there are educational institutions in 100 percent of Afghanistan’s territory, all the institutions are open for men from the beginning to the end. In the female section, schools are open up to the sixth grade. Religious schools in which modern science is also being taught are open until the end. Both private and public universities are active. The problems that exist among these, God is kind and a solution will be found for it,” he added.
Muttaqi also emphasized that cultivation of poppies and drug trafficking in Afghanistan has now been stamped out and that the country’s situation is improving.
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