Publish dateSaturday 18 May 2024 - 14:20
Story Code : 290565
Russia and Afghanistan agree on holding a business communication conference
Officials of the Ministry of Industry and Trade say that the head of the ministry, in a meeting with the vice chancellor of Russia, agreed on holding a business communication conference, removing the export tax on raw materials, arranging the trip of the Afghan delegation to the ports of Astrakhan and Makhachkala, and the exhibition of Afghan products and products in Moscow.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The press office of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Islamic Emirate published a newsletter saying that Nouruddin Azizi, the head of the ministry and his accompanying delegation, with Alexei Overchukov, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister for International Cooperation, Sergei Pavlov, the General Director Khat Ahan has met with Dimitri Zefiriev, the Deputy Minister of Transport of this country.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade says that in this meeting, Russian investment in mining and water dam projects in Afghanistan, increase and balance of bilateral trade, preferential tariff for the country's goods and Afghanistan's share in the international North-South transportation corridor were discussed.
Also in this meeting, the two sides discussed the cost of property transfers through the Russian railway, removing the export tax on raw materials, arranging the trip of the Afghan delegation to the ports of Astrakhan and Makhachkala, and holding a trade conference and an exhibition of Afghan products and products in Moscow.
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