Publish dateMonday 18 May 2020 - 13:39
Story Code : 210275
Coronavirus Cases in Afghanistan Passes 7,000
The Ministry of Public Health on Sunday said that it registered 408 new positive cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total positive cases to 7,072.
The number of total known active cases in Afghanistan is 6,098, said the MoPH.
According to the Health Ministry, three people lost their lives over the past 24 hours and 23 more recovered. The known death toll from coronavirus is now 173 deaths.
The total number of recoveries is 801.
The new cases, according to the ministry, were reported in Kabul (162), Herat (95), Balkh (31), Takhar (20), Khost (19), Parwan (18), Paktia (15), Logar (7), Wardak (8), Baghlan (6), Laghman (1), Ghor (5), Kunduz (3), Panjshir (3), Kapisa (2), Paktika (4), Kunar (4) and Daikundi (5).
Health officials have again called on Afghans to take the virus seriously to curb its further spread.
So far, 23,497 people have been tested in the country.
The number of deaths from COVID-19 globally is more than 315,283, and 4,718,215 have tested positive for COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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