Publish dateTuesday 28 February 2023 - 13:56
Story Code : 266211
SIGAR: Dependence on America and Ashraf Ghani
The US Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has stated in a report that Ashraf Ghani, the former president, appointed people loyal to him based on ethnicity to lead the former security forces, and this, along with the withdrawal of the US, caused the collapse of the Afghan army and police.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The US Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) published a report today (Tuesday, February 28, 2023) investigating the causes of the collapse of the former Afghan army.
SIGAR wrote that despite spending $90 billion over 20 years, the US and Afghan governments have failed to establish an independent and sustainable security force in Afghanistan.
In the introduction of this report, it is stated that due to the dependence of the Afghan security forces on the US military forces, the decision to withdraw all US military personnel and the dramatic reduction of US support to the Afghan forces destroyed the morale of the Afghan soldiers and police.
According to SIGAR report, the Afghan security forces have long relied on the presence of the US Army and the "Afghan" soldiers considered the US as a means of holding the government accountable for paying their salaries.
In the continuation of the report, it is stated that in addition to America's actions, after the withdrawal of American forces, the Afghan government could not create a national security strategy.
Instead, according to SIGAR, former president Ashraf Ghani often changed the leaders of the security forces and appointed people loyal to him based on ethnicity, which politicized the forces.
In part of the SIGAR report, it is stated that in Afghanistan, corruption was prevalent and government officials often focused on personal interests.
In the military, SIGAR said, this corruption took the form of positions in military leadership that were awarded based on political considerations rather than military experience.
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