Publish dateTuesday 22 August 2023 - 09:12
Story Code : 275305
The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in response to the AVA reporter, on the one hand, considered the visit of the technical delegation of this country to the Dehrawood water measuring station as a sign of goodwill and the adherence of the Afghan government to the Helmand Treaty, on the continuation of these visits on a monthly basis and to receive statistics and information. Water measurement is emphasized according to the treaty. On the other hand, Nasser Kanani, referring to Iran's participation in the Moscow meeting on Afghanistan, declared Iran's readiness to host intra-Afghan negotiations.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who was talking to foreign journalists in his weekly meeting, answered two questions of the AVA reporter about the latest details of the report of the visit of the technical delegation of this country to the Dehrawood water measuring station and about the political developments in Afghanistan and the resumption of intra-Afghan negotiations.
Regarding the latest details of the report of the Iranian technical delegation from the Dehrawood station, referring to the new explanations published by Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the special representative of the Iranian presidency on Afghan affairs, he emphasized: "This technical visit is the commitment of the Afghan side and the implementation.
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran continued: Iran's request to visit the water measurement center of Dehrawood and Kajaki Dam, as well as the continuation of the meetings of the technical delegation, was part of Iran's demands and expectations from Afghanistan, which considered the visit as the first step based on good faith. We consider the side of Afghanistan.
He emphasized that for the real assessment of the amount of water available behind the dam (Kejaki) and the assessment of Iran's water rights based on the amount of water, such visits should be made continuously at regular monthly intervals according to the treaty, so that the average amount of water entering from the source and based on that, the amount of Iran's water rights will be determined and paid.
Kanani once again called the visit of the Iranian technical delegation to the Dehrawood station as a step based on goodwill and noted that the technical report was given to the relevant institutions of this country and these talks and meetings will continue.
He stated: It is expected that with the regular continuation of sending monthly information and periodic visits of water measurement information and indicators, as well as timely visits to this station and accurate determination of the amount of water in the days of drought and drought, the amount of Iran's water right from Hirmand will be correctly and fairly be evaluated and paid according to the provisions of clause B of the treaty.
At the same time, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the special representative and head of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kabul, on Saturday, August 19, presented the work report of the visit of Iranian experts to the Dehrawood water measuring station and announced that the amount of water flowing in the month of August This year, less than the monthly amount of normal water has been reported.
Earlier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate mentioned this issue and said in a statement that the Iranian technical team assessed the water level in Dehrawood station to be less than normal and around 7 cubic meters per second, which shows a serious decrease.
Nevertheless, the Islamic Republic of Iran has not published detailed statistics and more details of the results of the technical committee of this country.
Regarding the political developments in Afghanistan, the spokesperson of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the question of the Ava reporter about the plans of the country's foreign policy apparatus, apart from the issues of water rights, said: The most important issue before us is the Moscow meeting on Afghanistan in early October.
Kanani emphasized: We pursue the solution of Afghanistan's problems and the provision of peace and stability in this country within the framework of creating an inclusive government, and this is a global demand.
He stated: We believe that the only way to get Afghanistan out of the conditions of instability and insecurity is to start intra-Afghan negotiations to form an inclusive government with the effective participation of all political and ethnic groups, and Iran is ready to use its facilities in this field, including hosting provide these talks to the Afghan parties, and will continue its efforts in this field as in the past.
Meanwhile, the foreign policy apparatus of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been the initiator of some plans regarding the political solution of the Afghanistan problem in the past two years, including the meeting of the foreign ministers of Afghanistan's neighboring countries, as well as the inter-Afghan talks in Tehran, and this country has a good capacity and potential to host It has intra-Afghan talks between different parties in Afghanistan.
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