Publish dateSunday 24 December 2023 - 14:47
Story Code : 282804
The security of the region depends on the security of Afghanistan
Experts say that the countries of the region need to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in order to prevent the spread of terrorism, drug trafficking and improve their economic situation, because the security and improvement of the economic situation of the region depends on the security and improvement of the economic situation of Afghanistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: These statements of those in the know are being made while the Ambassador of Afghanistan to China, Bilal Karimi, in his meeting with the head of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, said that the security of the region is linked to the security of Afghanistan and the Emirate As Islam considers security, peace and stability important and vital for its country, it wants stability and peace for neighboring countries as well.
Haider Majidi, an expert on international relations, said in a conversation with AVA that the countries of the region need to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in order to prevent the spread of terrorism, drug trafficking and improve their economic situation, because the security and improvement of the economic situation in the region depends on the security and Afghanistan's economic situation is improving.
Stating that the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking requires global and regional cooperation, he added that if the countries of the region want their security, they should recognize the government of Afghanistan. 
This expert on international relations pointed out: due to the geographical location of Afghanistan in the region, the delay of countries regarding the recognition of the Islamic Emirate has caused an economic crisis and a decrease in trade between the countries of the region, especially the countries of Central Asia and South Asia.
Mr. Majidi added: The leaders of the countries of the region should know that without recognizing the Islamic Emirate and interacting with the Afghan government, they will not achieve permanent peace and stability, because all these countries share a common border, culture and history with Afghanistan.
At the same time, Noor Mohammad Yousefi, a political expert, also said in an interview with AVA that Afghanistan connects the countries of Central Asia and South Asia and shares common borders with the countries of the region, therefore, the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan increases the risk of infiltration by terrorists and armed groups. The countries of the region do more.
He emphasized that the countries of the region can monitor the activities of terrorist groups and find their main sources with the cooperation of the Afghan government in the security sector and the exchange of intelligence information, otherwise it is very difficult for the countries of the region to find the main cells of terrorists alone. .
Mr. Yousefi, stating that peace in the region depends on peace in Afghanistan, added that Afghanistan is an important country in the region and has a significant impact on the political, security and economic relations of the region. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable peace in the region, it is necessary to guarantee the establishment of sustainable peace in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, in order to recognize the Islamic Emirate, the countries of the world and the region want to create an inclusive government, provide work and education for girls and women, and freedom of expression.
But the Islamic Emirate has always said that their government is inclusive. The work and education of girls and women are related to internal issues that other countries should not interfere with.
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