Publish dateThursday 29 November 2018 - 03:00
Story Code : 174950
Europe to boost supporting Afghan peace process
 High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said the Europe is to increase supporting peace process in Afghanistan.
AVA- Mogherini made the remarks Wednesday addressing the international conference on Afghanistan held in Geneva.
'Today as the European Union we are here to offer our concrete contribution with all our instruments to accompany a meaningful peace process and a peace deal,' she said.
'On top of all our current support to the Afghan people to all Afghan people I want to put on the table today from our side five additional very concrete things,' she added.
The EU is ready to accompany and support a peace process.
'First we can contribute to making the peace process an inclusive one helping involving representatives of women, minorities, ulemas dispora and civil society.'
'Peace must belong to all the people of Afghanistan,' she reiterated.
Mogherini went on to say that 'the EU can offer support to make sure that this happens'. 
'We can assist with the reforms that may come with a peace deal for instance with the security sector reform.'
'We can work with the people who decide to lay down their arms and also with their families so that they can find a new place in Afghan society,' she noted.
'We are ready to promote even more trade and infrastructure projects with Afghan's neighbors,' Mogherini said.
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